•Penguins facts cards, photo pack, species flashcards
•Antarctica information pack, maps, world maps, photo pack, writing task
•counting activities, sorting activities, book marks, addition games and subtraction game, acrostic poem, writing tasks, handwriting worksheets, counting cards, speaking and listening tasks, flag activities, craft activity, jumbled sentences, make a leaflet, door hanger, colouring pages, catching game, plus other activities
•Colour flashcards with penguin pictures, shapes posters, adjectives cards, alphabet flashcards, number flashcards, reward charts, HFW cards, drawer labels, odd and even number flashcards, phonics flashcards, writing posters, several penguin poems with matching resources, matching card game, word search, story board to write, writing booklet cover and borders,
Display materials; long banners, large lettering, penguin images, buntings, plain and patterned display borders
Resources include:
Post Office A4 sign to add to your role play area, a set of other useful roleplay signs such as Bureau de Change, check your passport, price cards, items sold in post office, lost postage claim form, sorry you were not home cards, lost post claim, long banner, large lettering, display borders, location signs, please queue sign, maps of UK / Europe / world, open and closed signs, opening times sign, parcel tags, please call again sign, stamps for sale.
Face masks, 3D shape nets for parcels, writing borders, coins images for toy money, date wall chart, colouring pages, design a stamp, special occasion cards to send throughout the year, envelopes to make, hand puppets, house posters with addresses, matching envelopes to send to the houses, extra large post box for display – set across 8 pages, letter size guide, money poster and quiz, number flashcards, passport template and application form, photo pack, letter writing activity, sorting the days worksheet, postal system sequencing cards, size order envelopes task, writing booklet cover, word search, word mat.
Bright and colourful posters for the new 7 areas of early years learning:
1.Personal, Social and Emotional Development
2.Communication and Language
3.Understanding of the World
4.Physical Development
5.Expressive Arts and Design
8. A4 lettering is also included for all areas, great for creating classroom learning areas
Resources included are as follows:
100 A5 flashcards/posters each with a book name, author and picture of either a famous character or book cover.
Books included on the posters are all appropriate for Key Stage 1-2
Great for use around you school library or book corner in your classroom.
Resources included are as follows:
Story presentation – retelling he story.
Dinosaur information pack, specific dinosaur facts posters for each species of dinosaur from the story, Posters for each dinosaur with picture / name / height / weight, Face masks in black and white and color. Hand puppets, story props.
Large title lettering, alphabet flashcards, alphabet mats, reward charts, dinosaur topic word flashcards, story sack tag, Speech bubbles for display, character faces for display, dinosaurs for display, blue bucket for display or crafts, dinosaur coloring pages,
Describe your favorite part of the story, draw a dinosaur, I like this story because, can/have/are writing task, true or false quiz, carnivore/herbivore./omnivore posters, fact writing cards, story boards to write, 2 label the dinosaur features worksheets and posters to match, learning objective tracker, make a dinosaur face craft activity, retell the story from the dinosaurs point of view, sentence writing sheets, writing booklet cover and writing borders.
Train station sign, long banner, directions signs, lost property sign, please pay here sign, tickets available sign, thank you for visiting sign, tickets to make, printed tickets.
Resources included are as follows:
•18 punctuation posters with police theme. These posters are typically for younger children or SEN – they cover full stop, comma for list, comma for pause, question mark, exclamation mark, speech marks, inverted commas, quotation marks, apostrophes for possession, apostrophe for omission, capital letters for sentence start, capital letters for name and places, colon, semi colon, ellipsis brackets, finger spacing, paragraphs and proof reading.
•Large triangle road signs showing each of the punctuation mark with it’s name.
•Long banner to head wall display
•Stripy lettering to add title
•And decorated letters to use as an alternative title
•Stripy border to edge wall display
•Blue backing paper to print if needed
•Folder cover for keeping resources together
•10 multicultural face masks with police hat to use for punctuation work – good for wearing when checking each others work.
•Police man hand puppet
•Role play police badges
•Decorated lined page for writing tasks
•Decorated border to edge pupils best work
Resources included are as follows:
36 PDF files for you to print.
Story presentation, story sack tag, face masks, questions pack for before/during/after the story, display borders, backing paper, character picture flashcards to use as display or props, long banner to head wall display, large lettering to spell story title, colourful buntings. 3D shape nets with Christmas wrapping paper designs to make gifts of different shapes and sizes, writing pages, anagrams worksheet, bingo game, matching pairs card game, describe favourite part of the story, hand puppets for role play or retelling the story, story board, work booklet cover for project work, word search, sentence writing sheets, writing frames, acrostic poem, alphabetical order worksheet, draw a lunch for Mr Grinling, Christmas cards to write and colour, stocking to design, seagull and Hamish colouring pages, gifts colouring page, Christmas at the lighthouse writing task, letter to Santa template, template letter for Santa’s reply, decorate a gingerbread man for the seagulls, diary of a lighthouse keeper to complete, draw a snow scene, jobs list for lighthouse keeper and helper, etc.
Areas signs for different areas in the airport, directions signs, welcome signs, check in desk signs, boarding gate signs, luggage rules signs, departure and arrivals boards with lettering and common words, restricted items sign, digital clock for display with numbers to change.
35 A4 flashcards of different airport related things such as control tower, trolley etc, 100 flags from around the world A4, airport long banner, key words and definition flashcards, photo pack of airports, large lettering to head display or locate role play area, number flashcards, maps, photo pack of different planes, passenger number facts for UK airports.
Blank passport, luggage tags, games, collage, question writing, globe trotter activities, jigsaws of maps, flag activities, writing booklet, tourism writing task, snap card game, blindfold directions game, memory game, compass worksheet, treasure hunt, face masks, blank boarding pass, colouring pages etc
Resources include:
1.Long banners spelling ‘Building site’ and ‘construction site’
2.Extra large lettering to head display
3.Patterned and plain backing paper to use for display if needed.
4.Display border to edge wall display
5.Danger keep out long sign and A4 sign
6.10 multicultural face masks and hard hats to use for role play
7.Builder hand puppets
8.Colouring pages
9.Under construction sign
10.Work in progress sign and workman sign
11.Signs to use around the role play area, including: apology for maintenance work, warning, site entrance caution, danger construction site, digger
12.Fire exit, first aid, gloves to be worn, hard hats to be worn, high visibility jacket to be worn, keep out, visitors to reception, site entrance this way, wear boots sign etc
13.Site safety sign
14.Write for purpose sheets including design sheet, ideas sheet, inspection log, jobs to do list, customer feedback form, stock order form, message pad, sketch sheet, telephone bookings log etc
15.Role play badges
16.Resources folder and spine labels, drawer label
17.Resources sack tag
18.Extra large picture to use as props in role play
19.Key word cards with pictures
20.Machinery pictures
21.Extra large questions to display around role play area such as ‘What material do we need?’
22.Writing booklet cover to keep pupils project work together
Resources include:
Story presentation, Alphabet flashcards and mat, animal name cards, animal photo flashcards, question pack, colouring pages, face masks, reward charts, certificates, key word cards, acrostic poem to complete, table names, discussion cards, hand puppets, a range of writing activities, giraffe fact cards, fact posters, craft activity, shape activity, drawing activities, counting cards, make a wishing well, make a mobile, pairs cards, maze, nouns and verbs posters, adjectives poster, photo pack, rhyming worksheet, size order sorting task, placemat, number cards, behaviour posters, word search, long banner, large letters, display borders and many other resources
Resources included are as follows:
5 PDF files for you to print.
A great wall display or to use on your classroom door.
The sign includes everything you see on the advertisement photo and more.
1- ‘When you enter this room’
2- ‘YOU ARE’ – large lettering
3- 30 job roles such as writers, poets, scientists, safety officers etc
4 – 20 compliments such as unstoppable, amazing, special etc
5- ‘You are the reason we are here!’
Resources include:
Castle long banner, information pack, key word cards, kings and queens posters, Feudalism information presentation, Middles ages key facts and information presentation, Life of a knight information presentation, posters of famous castles around the UK, face masks including jesters and wizard, crown to add to face masks, castle jobs word cards, writing pages, shields in different designs to colour, roles of the church poster, a range of writing resources, word search, discussion cards, flags for display, make a mobile, bunting, word mat, flag activities, weapons flashcards, tour guide badges for role play, number flashcards, alphabet flashcards, invitation to make, photo pack of castle types, role play resources such as entrance tickets, coins to pay, for sale sign etc, bingo game, money fan and poster, colouring pages, design and drawing activities, extra large castle to make a display – spread over 11 pages but can be photocopied larger, parchment paper, display borders etc
Resources included are as follows:
Information pack, detailing the history of robots, common robots, robots of the future etc,
Photos of robots, photos of famous robots, key word cards, picture buntings, letters bunting, long banner, large letters for head wall display, patterned and plain display borders, backing paper, large and extra large labels, A4 robot images for display, resources sack tag, colour posters
Alphabet flashcards and mats, number flashcards, table top number line, times tables posters / mats, shapes posters, days of the week flashcards, certificates, reward charts.
Robot face masks, hand puppets.
Writing frames, picture frame, sentence writing sheets, acrostic poem, all about robot booklet to complete, can / have / are writing task, colouring pages, draw a robot, invitation to create, mind map, story board, size order task, poem to read, word search, words beginning with r worksheet, character flashcards for writing tasks, writing booklet cover, name the shapes poster, cut and stick scissor work sheet, colour the shapes activity, horrible habits design task, robot criminal writing task, write a robot love story, card matching game, bingo game.
Resources included:
•Story presentation – with adorable pictures, retelling the outline of the story.
•Guided questions pack, alphabet flashcards, word mat, story board, retell the story, story elements, character description to write, speech bubbles to complete, ‘oa’ and ‘ll’ worksheets, other literacy resources
•Face masks in colour in colour and black and white, hand puppets, role play props
•Number square 1-10 with troll theme, number flashcards, table top number line.
•Booklet cover to keep pupils work together, cut and stick activity wanted poster to make, colouring pages, memory pairs game, sequencing activity, writing pages, design a new troll, quiz, character cards etc•Goats photo pack, fact posters, title page, character and scene flashcards, faces for display, character name flashcards, large lettering, long banner, display borders, bunting, key word cards and other display items.
Macbeth IWB Simpsons Adaptation- Teaching and Learning Resource
Alternative board game cards for teaching nouns and verbs, plus extra resources for breaking down nouns into categories.
A great value pack to make easy displays around the English Department. Resources are all colour themed in blue and orange as can be seen on the photo.
Resources included are as follows:
1.‘English’ long banner to hang at the entrance to the department or above an English notice board
2.Alphabet flashcards a-z in upper and lowercase
3.Door hanger – ‘Quiet room’
4.Door hanger ‘Exam in progress – please be quiet’
5.Alphabet bunting – a-z each on a triangular bunting with blue and orange theme colours
6.Date chart to display on classroom walls
7.Display flashcards of key words such as ‘reading’, ‘writing’, ‘punctuation’ etc
8.Mini letter cards – great for spelling activities and games – easy to print and laminate
9.Drawer labels – pupils or group names and resources such as writing paper etc
10.Exam dates blank poster – to laminate and add date to each time a test or exam is approaching
11.Large and extra large labels to label resource trays, folders, cupboards etc
12.Book loaning cards – to use for books that are specific to the English department
13.Book borrowing list – to keep track of pupils who have borrowed books
14.Welcome to English sign
15.Location signs – such as ‘quiet area’, ‘photocopier’, ‘toilets’ etc
16.15 A4 posters showing explanations of key words relating to reading /books
17.Mentors of the day poster
18.Message pad to complete
19.Opena dn closed sign – to put on doors for classrooms in use, or the exterior door to the department
20.Revision times sign to complete
21.Parts of speech posters – great 15 A4 posters showing noun, verb, etc with explanations and examples
22.Pencil pot labels
23.Blank postcard to complete – good for reminding pupils about homework etc
24.A4 lettering spelling welcome to English
25.Book types labels – colourful labels naming different types of books – such as reference, dictionaries, childrens, biographies
26.Eading posters – encouraging children to read with accuracy and fluency
27.Reminders sign – great for reminding students about upcoming events or deadlines
28.Word search
29.Writing booklet cover to keep pupils work together
30.Reading, writing, speaking and listening labels to label resource folders
31.Spelling support table top information
32.Colourful borders and backing paper to edge and fill wall display
33.2 posters to inspire children to read and write
34.Blank splat pictures to add to wall display
Resources included are as follows:
Decorated alphabet letters A-Z (A5)
Decorated numbers 0-9 (A5)
Decorated question mark, exclamation mark, comma and full stop (A5)
1.Story presentation – retelling the story with great images and clear font writing
2.Face masks of all the characters in the story
3.Face masks in black and white to colour in
4.A4 characters to use as story props
5.Hand pupils of all the characters
6.Make your own hand puppets craft activity
7.Make your own bear face – cut and stick activity
8.Alphabet flashcards
9.Number flashcards with numbers and words
10.Number matching cards – cards 1-10 and matching cards with different amounts of each character
11.A4 characters with speech bubbles from the story
12.Blank speech bubbles for children to complete
13.Photo pack showing each of the animal characters in real life
14.Colour flashcards with cute brown bear images
15.Colour posters – A4 size, each with a colour splat and colour name
16.Handwriting practice worksheets
17.16 A4 shapes posters with cute bear pictures
18.Spellings game – for small groups
19.Pairs matching card game – with pictures of each character and also a set of animal names
20.Animal names flashcards with pictures
21.Animal trail activity – great for a practical activity with pupils looking around for the animals – also good for speaking and listening
22.Adjectives word cards – all the adjectives featured in the story and many more – with bear pictures
23.Add a new character and colour to the story
24.Book marks to colour
25.Letter recognition worksheet
26.Bear bingo game
27.Work booklet cover to keep pupils work together
28.Make your own book retelling the story
29.Make a 3D standing up bear
30.9 reward charts – with each of the animal characters
31.Placemat to use during craft work ect to keep tables clean
32.Match the animal and the name cards
33.Colouring pages of each character
34.Colouring activity for all characters on one page
35.Draw your favourite character
36.Story sequence – cut and stick worksheet
37.Spellings worksheets
38.2 speech bubble worksheets to write what each character says
39.What do you see? Worksheet for animal names to be completed
40.Colours worksheet
41.Write animal facts cards for pupils to write simple facts such as “cats are soft” etc
42.Long banner to head wall display
43.2 display borders to edge wall displays
44.Matching word cards with colours and animals names
45.Word search
46.Words beginning with ‘b’
47.Themed writing border
48.Story sack tag to label your resources and keep them organised
This range of 100 great display borders for you to print and use over and over again.
They are a great display resources pack for teachers and child minders alike, and can easily printed for as many copies as you require. Some of the borders are plain colours and others are patterned or have novelty designs on them.
There are 2-3 strips of border on each A4 page, so you can print just the border you want and cut them out to border any size display board.
Resources included are as follows:
Decorated alphabet letters A-Z (A5)
Decorated numbers 0-9 (A5)
Decorated question mark, exclamation mark, comma and full stop (A5)